Moving The World Perpetually

..and then go for it.


Often times we are scared to pursue something because we fear the outcome. Some of us fear the success…some of us fear the failure.  Fear often immobilizes us, leaving us at a standstill. But fear is also a great indicator of some thing’s significance. If we find something that we fear, it means it’s important to us, it means that there is something incredible at stake. And those are precisely the things worth pursuing.

The things that terrify you – go forth, conquer them. For, by conquering your fears  you break the mold, you become remarkable.

Go forth. Conquer your fears. Be the difference.

Love always & Namaste,


Comments on: "Find that which terrifies you…" (2)

  1. Yes! Such truth and lovely tribute to Dia de los Muertos!

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